Jul 142016

Muslim on Muslim

So how come only white people are generally portrayed as racist? The answer’s becoming clear: Because the mainstream media has been irresponsibly promoting the scripted narrative of political groups dedicated to that racist narrative. So honky if you’re white – because you’re a racist.

Of course, it’s a ridiculous and false perspective. But you might be surprised how many people believe it – and why.

Two stories, one theme: (1) the racist shootings of white police officers in Dallas Texas at a Black Lives Matter protest; (2) the racist accusations made as a consequence of a physical altercation between two Muslim women in London Ontario. The one theme: Even though innocent, only white people were the targets of both.

White people, apparently, are the problem.

On today’s Just Right, tune in to hear that narrative blown back into the world of reality.
Reality is not a place where the left likes to be, so it remains in denial of that reality and continues to push and promote its own very unreal irrational hatreds.

If there are lessons to be learned from recent events, it is that Black Racism Matters. It is that ‘Islamophobia’ is experienced most by those who blindly hurl its accusations against others. These are two realities that are rarely reported.

Perhaps the greater story is about the story tellers: a mainstream media that no longer functions as the people’s fourth estate – but one that reports fictions as facts.

In response to this onslaught of official racist propaganda, today’s Just Right offers an antidote.

Additionally, we must extend our warmest thanks to CFPLam980 Radio’s Andrew Lawton whose courage and objectivity serve as reminders of responsible journalism. Thank you Andrew, for having done what is Just Right.

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