461 – Topics


00:03 Racism’s necessarily Left narrative: peaceful coexistence is the norm, creating a cultural and racial divide, the necessity of conflict, race researcher, emboldening minorities against white majorities, racist narrative is necessarily left, Black Lives Matter as a racist movement
15:10 Black racism matters: career racists, whites as racism’s targets, police enforcement, Black Lives Matter disrupts Toronto’s Pride Parade, Obama’s enabling of racism and cultural conflict, racism overused, President Lyndon Johnson’s racist legacy
29:35 Falsifying a narrative of hate: a left-wing racist agenda – identity politics, accusations of racism and Islamophobia as weapons of censorship, London Free Press’s false hate crime narrative, hate crimes in London Ontario, Andrew Lawton shatters the hate narrative with a fact
45:30 Racism’s white noise: anti-white racism as a matter of demographics, race relations activism for government funding, discovery of freedom and capitalism by white cultures, tribal and collectivist mentalities incapable of creating capitalism’s wealth, mental illness as cause of racism, police complicit in hate promotion, anti-hate movements launched by officials, fueling the fires of imagined hatreds, hate crimes are thought crimes, fear of white majorities by minority activists, differences between the black community and Islamic responses to violence and terrorism, continuing open discussions about race relations
59:42 END