522 – Guest: Dave Plumb – The greenhouse defect

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Sep 142017

greenhouse defect

Inconvenient truths about the ‘climate change’ debate

We call it the “Greenhouse Defect.” Take it literally. Take it figuratively. Works both ways.

In the politically driven debate about “fighting climate change,” the actual “science” surrounding climate and the earth’s environment is simply not relevant.

Just ask Chris Ballard, Ontario’s Minister of the Environment and Climate Change. In his Sept 9 letter to the editor disputing a column by Lorrie Goldstein, Ballard wrote the following:

“As Ontario’s independent environmental Commissioner said in her annual report, ‘putting a price on carbon by itself would not be enough to achieve Ontario’s reduction targets… Ontario needs complementary emission reduction measures.’ Continue reading »

Feb 022017

oil well

When it comes to climate, one theory holds that there’s a fifty-fifty chance that we’ll be unable to adapt to climate change 90% of the time. For the other 10% of the time there’s still a fifty-fifty chance that our odds will remain even. Of course, it depends on which side of the C02 / carbon tax issue you’re on, and on which political party you support.

Sound confusing? Confusing us is the whole point of playing the percentages warns Dave Plumb, who joins us today for a continuing discussion about both the science and politics of climate change.

Here’s a 100% certainty: CO2 production is a natural and healthy occurrence. You could even say that efforts to rid our planet of CO2 are unnatural and unhealthy.

Playing the percentages is just one of the ways politicians justify “fighting climate change” by taxing CO2 production.

Citing man-made CO2 production as a reason for “fighting climate change” – and in turn using the “fight against climate change” as a premise for taxing man-made CO2 – is a circular and fraudulent way to impose a new tax that will neither reduce world CO2 levels nor prevent climate change. Continue reading »

476 – Guest: Dave Plumb – Climate change’s CO2 diversion

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Oct 272016

Coronal Mass Ejection - NASA

Are you skeptical about climate change and CO2? If so, consider yourself in denial. At least that’s how proponents of “carbon pricing”, “carbon taxes,” “carbon trading” and of all the other variants of carbonated climate politics have framed the debate.

Having thus dismissed “climate change deniers” as both irrelevant and morally deficient, no further discussion is warranted. The debate (which never occurred) is closed. The “science is settled.”

What those who say “the science is settled” really mean is that “the Politics is settled, and we’re going ahead with our political agenda no matter what science has to say about it.”

What those who say “the science is settled” also really mean is that “science” is irrelevant to them. Since science and knowledge are never “settled,” to suggest otherwise is clear evidence of just how wrong those who utter such nonsense really can be.

Ironically, in labeling the skeptics “deniers”, it is the accusers who are the active deniers.
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Aug 042016

The Big Picture

EXPERTLY FOOLED ON CLIMATE CHANGE: Have we been expertly fooled on climate change? Let’s ask the experts.

So that’s exactly what we did not do, as Dave Plumb, author of ‘Climate Hope’, joined us for a down-to-earth understandable view of what the real climate change process is (nature’s process, not the political one) and how it works.

In fact, says Dave, it’s the ‘experts‘ who we can blame for all the confusion about the reality of climate change, and in particular, the scientific mythology concerning carbon dioxide – a mythology driven by political propaganda and taxpayer-paid financing.

The near irrelevancy of CO2 to the actual and real factors that affect climate change would make our carbonated politicians seem laughable, were it not for the sinister motives behind their propaganda and carbon taxation schemes.

This is the conversation that no politicians want to hear, and why they insist that “the science is settled.” In fact, in some areas, it’s a topic that legislators want legally prohibited, while those religiously committed to a ‘green’ philosophy hurl accusations of ‘climate change denial’ as their only means of rebuttal. Continue reading »

447 – Guest: Dave Plumb – Author of Climate Hope

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Apr 072016

Embrace Climate Change

00:03 Tips and points on climate change: Climate Hope, climate change, antidote to CO2 terrorism, where’s the hope, human impact on climate, climate history, more CO2 needed – not less, relevancy of carbon dioxide content, tipping points, life as the planet’s modifier, science vs politics on climate change, media bias, creating a discussion, lack of balanced reporting
15:10 Assault on battery: the Jacobson Plan, total conversion to renewable energy, five sources of energy, batteries for energy storage, fossil fuel energy density, skyrocketing energy costs, Green Energy Act, the real cost and price of electricity, battery disposal and re-cycling
29:25 Venus fry trap: A Venus inferno for planet Earth, sister planet, envisioning the planet Venus, no similarities between Earth and Venus, a brief history of Venus and Earth, water vapour greenhouse effect on Venus, sequestered carbon, CO2 as consequence – not cause, Jurassic Period – the time of earth’s life
43:10 Nature to be commanded: natural changes, overcoming and controlling nature, man’s relationship to nature, the resiliency of life, agenda of wealth-redistribution, time perspective, Milankovitch Cycles, conditions of glaciation, the four predators 59:42 END