Aug 042016

The Big Picture

EXPERTLY FOOLED ON CLIMATE CHANGE: Have we been expertly fooled on climate change? Let’s ask the experts.

So that’s exactly what we did not do, as Dave Plumb, author of ‘Climate Hope’, joined us for a down-to-earth understandable view of what the real climate change process is (nature’s process, not the political one) and how it works.

In fact, says Dave, it’s the ‘experts‘ who we can blame for all the confusion about the reality of climate change, and in particular, the scientific mythology concerning carbon dioxide – a mythology driven by political propaganda and taxpayer-paid financing.

The near irrelevancy of CO2 to the actual and real factors that affect climate change would make our carbonated politicians seem laughable, were it not for the sinister motives behind their propaganda and carbon taxation schemes.

This is the conversation that no politicians want to hear, and why they insist that “the science is settled.” In fact, in some areas, it’s a topic that legislators want legally prohibited, while those religiously committed to a ‘green’ philosophy hurl accusations of ‘climate change denial’ as their only means of rebuttal.

As our discussion with Dave Plumb gets underway, the true complexity of climate and climate change soon reveal themselves as being beyond anyone’s ability to predict. As he exposes the myths associated with CO2 and introduces some very real climate change issues, like tectonic subduction, isostatic rebound, volcanic subsidence and others, the big picture begins to emerge.

From the pixelated myopic views of the carbonated experts to the high-def clarity of climate’s complexities, Dave offer us a glimpse of how we can get to know how climate works – and how to spot the rot of expertise.

We’re no experts. But we know experts. So, no experts please. That way, it’s Just Right.

  2 Responses to “464 – Guest: Dave Plumb – Expertly fooled on climate change”

  1. If you can sift through the political and monetary application’s of climate change and review the work done by actual scientific climatologist’s it becomes painfully aware that climate change is a poor theory at best without any actual hard scientific proof designed to separate wealth from honest hardworking people pass it on to the least deserving on the planet. An expert in my definition is – X is an unknown quantity Spert- A drip under pressure. This definition would apply perfectly to Susuki-Gore- et al. I’ve been studying this global warming for quite some time now taking in the Pro’s and Con’s. The more the actual science come’s to light the more I’m inclined to believe Global Warming= Hoax.

  2. If you can sift through the political and monetary implication’s of global warming then add up the actual hard scientific fact it becomes painfully obvious that Global Warming a flawed theory at best was designed to separate wealth from honest hardworking people pass it on to the least deserving on the planet. The so called expert’s by my definition X-Unknown Quantity Spert- Drip under pressure would include Susuki-Gore et al. As the science becomes unlocked by the real scientific climatologist’s it only point’s in the direction that human activity play’s an insignificant role in this equation.

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