736 – Topics


00:03 Trust issues: trust issues, vaxxism – the new racism, institutional distrust, Salim’s trip to Washington, reluctance to speak about major current issues, fall of Afghanistan to Taliban, the social breakdown of trust, becoming a society of atomized individuals disconnected from each other, atomized individuals subject to manipulation, no common values

17:50 The elephant in the room: trust and predictability, consequences of the breakdown of trust, the welfare press, trusted media completely untrustworthy, information windows, trusting our information, six blind men and an elephant, relationships and reality, objective law, consent and freedom,

38:02 Smart tyranny: surveillance state and the development of technology, growth of the state, hope for the future, gulag love, no longer limited government, judiciary swallowed by deep state, smart phones lead to smart tyranny

53:00 Money: the root of all good: no going back, no going forward, self-destructive behavior of victims, destroying wealth and money, Ayn Rand on the function of money, only substitute for money is guns, money as the root of all good

59:42 END