710 – Clips & Credits


(A) Castle 309 (Alien consideration)
(B) FOX News, Tucker Carlson, June 4 2021, Lou Elizondo (Pentagon deadline)
(C) Info Wars, Greg Reese, June 4 2021 (UFO technology)
(D) Glenn Beck, May 10 2021, Christopher Mellon, Luis Elizondo (Alien encounters)
(E) Johnny Carson Show, May 18 1983, Bob Newhart (Alien humour)
(F) The Daily Wire, May 27 2021, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klaven, Candace (Denial and disbelief)
(G) The Daily Wire, May 27 2021, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klaven, Candace (Improbable probabilities)
(H) Red Dwarf 201 (Alien suspicions)

Hosted By: Bob Metz