702 – Clips & Credits


(A) Little Big Man (Wild Indians)
(B) Just Right Media, March 21 2012, Gary McHale (A coming storm)
(C) Just Right Media, March 21 2012, Gary McHale (Racial policing)
(D) Styxhexenhammer666, March 25 2021 (Vacant land)
(E) Styxhexenhammer666, March 25 2021 (The white indigenous)
(F) Styxhexenhammer666, March 25 2021 (Capacity for ownership)
(G) Barney Miller 107 (Election payoff )
(H) Barney Miller 107 (Chief of the bureau of federal regional development and planning for underdeveloped suburban areas, mine, parks, and Indians)

Hosted By: Bob Metz and Robert Vaughan