696 – Clips & Credits


(A) Bonanza 118 (Leaving behind an idea)
(B) Jordan B Peterson Podcast, s4e6, February 15 2021 (infectious ideas – Left and Right)
(C) Jordan B Peterson Podcast, s4e6, February 15 2021 (No labels please)
(D) Jordan B Peterson Podcast, s4e6, February 15 2021 (Conspiratorial and Paranoid theories of the Right)
(E) the Independent, February 28 2021, Donald Trump at CPAC (Comprehensive election reforms)
(F) FOX News, Tucker Carlson, February 24 2021 (Conspiracy theories and Q-anon)
(G) the Independent, February 28 2021, Donald Trump at CPAC (Free speech against Left wing tyranny)
(H) Hogan’s Heroes 202 (Conspiracy trial)

Hosted By: Bob Metz