693 – Topics


00:03 Resident: conspiracy theories, conspiracy theorists, Qanon, Q, anon, Tipping Point, troops still in the Capitol, Scott McKay, disappointment after Biden installment, General Michael Flynn, Biden not the people’s choice, introducing the Q movement

15:12 Question: confusion at the Capitol, troops placed by Trump, asking the questions, pointing to the evidence, politics as conspiracy, Polly St George

32:05 The will of the people who won’t: protests in Germany, QSL request, most people need to be led, voting versus political action, public stupidity, terrorist accusations against the Right, Dave Cullen and Fiona Flanagan’s criticism of Q, X22 Report

46:25 State of war: Mike Lindell’s documentary on proof of election fraud, America attacked by foreign powers – mostly China, troops expected to stay in Capitol till April, Chinese communists already in charge of Canada, the real ‘hopium’ addicts

59:42 END