622 – Topics


00:03 It’s the mass – not the immigration: mass immigration, reducing immigration numbers to manageable level, about protecting immigrants in Canada, PPC the most pro-immigrant party, mass immigration causes tensions, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh labels Laura Lynn Thompson a racist, vetting immigrants, desire for fair immigration, legal immigration vs illegal immigration, necessity of integration, government discouraging integration, Canadian values include democracy and freedom of speech, freedom of speech eroded in Canada, freedom-liberty-justice-equality-tolerance-compassion-responsibility in totality, media’s false portrayal of Canadian values, Canadian values protected under Charter, racial diversity in PPC, Conservative Party rejects Salim Mansur, media ignores multi-racial makeup of PPC

20:05 Some cultures are better: traditional party motivations for avoiding immigration issue, sinister associations with Islamists, cultural relativism as cause of evasion, creating Canada as a safe haven for immigrants, Bernier saying what many Canadians are thinking, globalism driven by United Nations ideologies, Canada giving up sovereignty willingly, global compact on migration, global compact on refugees, UN directive on indigenous people, the ‘non-binding’ sales pitch, oligarchy of unelected technocrats, globalism taking control of Canadian way of life, Stephen Harper’s observation that globalism is wealth redistribution scheme, Stephen Harper’s sustainable development policy

33:30 Beauty of capitalism: helping people in developing nations, socialism not the cure to poverty, capitalism is the cure to poverty, putting Canada in control of who it helps, you can’t immigrate your way out of global poverty, contrasts between Hong Kong and China, personal experience in China, beauty of capitalism, Chinese government controls everything in name of efficiency, capitalism permits having a dream of controlling own life, current Hong Kong protests, China encroaching on Hong Kong freedoms, capitalism good – socialism bad, web of globalism and Islamism, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Muslim Brotherhood control, using Canadian democracy and freedom against Canadians

47:55 Let’s talk about Islamism: differentiating between Islamism and Muslims, Islamism an assertive philosophy, declaring Canadian values as being politically incorrect, government denial of Islamist problem, using religion to promote agenda of supremacy, all about power and control, necessity of discussion about Islamism, converting social power to political power, majority of Islamist victims are Muslims, Muslim immigrants to Canada are here to avoid Islamism, problem with adapting to Western values, race and religion do not matter – character and values matter, discovering truth within disagreements

59:42 END