563 – Topics


00:03 Force is what is governed: feedback on Left and Right, globalism and nationalism, other political spectrums, essential vs non-essential, force and degrees of force, degrees of force in physics, degrees of force in politics, force and compliance, counter-force, no single ideology in center, mixed economy, ‘pure’ totalitarianism, free will defies measurement, rights and force, life liberty and property, Dinesh D’Souza and fascism’s big lie

20:30 Liberals and Conservatives are everywhere: Hitler and America’s Democrats, Trump on Martha Stewart and Dinesh D’Souza, liberals and conservatives are people not ideologies, liberals and conservatives found on left and right, confusion in the middle, attitude vs substance

32:30 Derangement of facts: ‘state run capitalism’ a false association, the media’s Trump derangement sins, racism and fascism, media misrepresentation of Trump

48:40 Know nothings: ignorance of the Left, victim psychology, enslavement through victimhood, closed minds on open borders, knowledge and lack of knowledge, ignorance not actionable, racism and apology, Rosanne Barr’s apology plea, ‘social’ polarity

59:42 END