547 – Topics


00:03 The big tent: Doug Ford elected as Progressive Conservative Party leader, the nature of political parties, creating a big tent of conflicting ideologies, Ontario Progressive Conservatives still on the Left, PCs reject the Rebel Media

12:15 Voting blind Kathleen Wynne’s anticipated fundamental debate with Ford about government, voices of the people voting in ignorance, superficial associations, damage being done by the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party

28:50 No right reasons to support Ford: Ford selling false hope to conservatives, open line expressions of ignorance about politics parties and candidates, disenchanted and disappointed voters, Ford’s contradictory promises

47:50 Ford Vs McKeever: Ford’s big tent strategy, PC platform still unknown, Ford’s false promise on hydro rates, contrast in leadership – Doug Ford and Paul McKeever, Doug Ford – no facts – no solutions, Paul McKeever delivers the facts and offers real solutions, blaming politicians for the voters’ choices

59:42 END