544 – Topics


00:03 Alternative to what? Ontario’s political alternatives, unprecedented events in Ontario’s political scene, saddled with 15 years of Liberal government, identifying alternative to Liberals, identity politics, state of Ontario politics, ethics of Liberalism, altruism at the point of a gun, fighting climate change, mismanaged electrical grid, experiential learning vs instructional learning, pot laws, election financing

16:57 Alt Left – the Progressive Conservatives: their brother’s jail-keepers, PCs and Liberals have same moral code, politics and morality, altruism and government, Ontario Liberal and Progressive Conservative histories, alt Left is PC, the People’s Guarantee,

32:00 Alternate realities: freedom and capitalism as alien terms to PCs, Freedom Party 2018 election platform, two Ontario scenarios for 2022, subsidized electricity supply, failing education system, whole language vs phonics, learning by instruction, age appropriate sex education, university campus safety, defending free speech

48:45 Freedom alternative: Pre-budget consultation hearings, four ways not to balance the budget, treating expenditures as untouchable, eliminating agencies boards and commissions, eliminating waste and red tape, the Annie State, no government monopoly on cannabis, end taxpayer funding of political parties

59:42 END