530 – Clips & Credits


(A) Silk Stalkings 216 (Can we do business?)
(B) CFPLam980, Andrew Lawton, October 31 2017, Megan Walker (First and foremost it was a man)
(C) CFPLam980, Andrew Lawton, October 31 2017, Megan Walker (Best for the collective)
(D) The Principle of Pot, Paul McKeever (1984 Fraser Committee on Pornography and Prostitution – Hating sex)
(E) Yaron Brook, Oct 19 2017, Objectivist Facebook post (Barbarian immigrants)
(F) College Humor, June 15 2010, YouTube, Grammar Nazis (Grammar very important)
(G) College Humor, June 15 2010, YouTube, Grammar Nazis (Please don’t kill me)
(H) Win Ben Stein’s Money (Cinderella sex fantasy)

Hosted By: Bob Metz and Robert Vaughan