520 – Topics


00:03 Manufacturing Crisis: London City Council’s motion to prohibit expression of ideologies contrary to its own, standforfreespeech.ca petition, code of conduct violations, attack on free speech, PEGIDA protest, Aug 25 London Ontario protest rallies, two incidents of violence, event properly policed, American contrasts, Matt Brown’s failures in leadership, Brown’s manufactured crisis distraction

15:15 Conversations prevented: PEGIDA’s misrepresented reputation, London councilors reacting to US political events, Stop The Radical Islamic Hate Speech – PEGIDA’s message, London Free Press on bandwagon, columnist Randy Richmond’s hate speech, bylaw violated by counter-protestors, London City Council acting as court, PEGIDA’s defense of Jews and the Jewish state, avoiding the discussion – political Islam’s violent agenda, no conversation – just noise, Iran’s parallel history and experience

29:20 Phony virtues – phony leadership: parallel protests for Western Culture, Jordan Peterson’s Why Freedom Is Not Just Another Value, Christina Behme’s Does Banning Hate Speech Eliminate Hatred, East German experience with censorship and political correctness, Valley of the Clueless, Communist Party of Canada – Hammer and Sickle – on display with ‘counter-protestors’, the right to offend, Matt Brown as a phony, significance of municipal motions by Tanya Park, virtue signalling against Donald Trump

44:05 History’s lessons ignored: leaders few – followers many, ignorance of ideology, Antifa unmasked in Canada, Antifa is militant left-wing violent anarcho-communist group, real histories – personal and political, Iran’s tragic path to theocracy, intelligentsia first up against the wall, it can happen in Canada, no trivial matter, city council’s hateful and destructive ideology, historic revisionism, the importance of knowing history, ISIS in sync with historic revisionism

59:42 END