501 – Topics


00:03 Just act naturally: London’s Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) proposal, feedback on BRT, Brampton’s victory against their proposal, Andres Duany’s Rethinking Suburban Sprawl, Andres Duany’s On The Edge, municipal planning around the world, natural growth

15:00 Bad plan: Public codes – Canadian-American comparison, municipal growth and planning, streets and transit, pods and feeder lanes, planning for traffic flow at the expense of public life

30:45 Suburban crawl: suburban sprawl as the cause of choked traffic, old neighbourhoods vs modern planners, planning for cars, Transect categories: T1=natural T2=Rural T3=Suburban T4=General Urban T5=Urban center T6=Urban core

44:15 Getting the edge on nature: Transect zones applied to municipal planning, nature and urbanism, developing a planning philosophy and language, finite cities, succession, fragmented interests, unintended consequences

59:42 END