479 – Topics


00:03 Literal vindication: election of Donald Trump, establishment literalism, political self-correction, a new vision of peace and leadership, Republicans In Name Only (RINOs), the left’s inarticulate revolution, revolt against the elites, media establishment cannot be trusted with the truth, external enemy, historical periodization, Berlin Wall 1989, Tom Hayden, Leonard Cohen, America as the world’s problem, past Republican failure to oppose, Democracy USA

15:40 Orchestrated destruction: post-postmodernist thinking, no new vision, rejection of real values, artificial values of political correctness, ridicule vs values, the permanence of real values, forcing values from the top-down, orchestrated anti-Trump protests, natural inner compass, individual as an end in himself, professional protesters, disrupted progressive narrative, popular unrest entitlement, media message, Hillary Clinton as America’s worst candidate

30:20 Trump towers: the Hillary factor, Gwynn Dyer’s dire prediction, Trump the outsider, Trump means business, dysfunctional political class, process oriented and inwardly focused, Jonathan Kay’s despicable smear, sexual accusations against Trump, deplorable Trump supporters, racist slurs against Trump, racism as profanity

44:20 It’s the culture, stupid: Trump as the symbol of the right, It’s culture stupid, beyond Trump, racism internalized, cultures are not equal, Margaret Wente’s disastrous editorial, the left are the zero-sum people, Trump is the positive sum person, the bureaucracy, Trump’s new arena

59:42 END