474 – Topics


00:03 Trump’s matter: Second US presidential debate, Trump’s depth vs Clinton’s shallowness, personal attacks and insults, Anderson Cooper’s lie, Clinton’s lies, Republicans vs Trump, e-mail scandals, unfair treatment of Donald Trump, journalism’s abandonment of its function as the fourth estate, John Doyle’s douchebag review

17:25 Words matter: Donald Trump’s Billy Bush moment, ‘locker room’ banter, swear words, politics and sex, differing moral standards, hypocritical moral standards, crudeness – left and right, words vs actions, a clear choice

31:00 Black lies matter: ‘Western lives matter’ slogan labeled racist, London Ontario “considered one of the most racist cities”, dis-encouraging a discussion, free speech matters, Steven Crowder’s fact checks on Black Lives Matter

47:25 Student lies matter: Western University’s Equity and Human Rights Services, Eddy Avila’s threatening ultimatum, University Students’ Council false narrative on Black Lives Matter, Western Lives Matter as legitimate cultural protest

59:42 END