472 – Topics


00:03 Diversity perversity: Justin Trudeau’s Sep 20 address to UN General Assembly, Trudeau’s moral and political philosophy, Trudeau’s diversity fix, immigragion, race, sinister intent, the camel in the tent
14:20 Middle muddle: middle class act, Trudeau’s anxiety attack, Canada’s poor performance record, Trudeau’s Canadian critique, immodestly modest, Trudeau’s international wealth redistribution plans, real solutions to Trudeau’s objectives
27:30 To Coyne no praise: mandatory voting, democratic representation, mandatory census, party strategies, proportional representation, Coyne’s contempt for freedom, penalties for not voting, irrationality of voting, political corruption at the core of reform
42:10 Give us a brake: Isabel Paterson’s objections to democracy, democracy vs majority rule, rights vs rule, majority decisions, function of government, the only two powers of government – prohibition and expropriation, limits on government power, consent vs majority rule, governors and brakes
59:42 END