469 – Topics


00:03 Devili$h funding: election finance reform – a federal review, political corruption, a brief review of political financing reform in Canada, Bill C114 (1993) on federal financing reform, third party spending limits, Stephen Harper’s elimination of per vote political party subsidy (2011)
13:00 Transparent corruption: electoral finance reform in Ontario, corrupt Liberal rule, ‘money’ in politics, political fundraising, corrupt fundraising tactics, transparency and corruption, philosophy for transparency, the real corruption – political wealth redistribution, no transparency in government spending
29:20 Beyond Electoral Boundaries: Ontario’s Bill 201 – Election Finances Statute Law Amendment Act 2016, Freedom Party of Ontario on Bill 201, new forced taxpayer subsidies for major political parties, new restrictions against voluntary funding of alternate parties, from electoral regulation to political control, regulating all political debate through fiscal restrictions, voting vs politics
45:20 Progressive Consistency: electoral reform to restrict political competition, a brief review of Freedom Party’s influence, right vs right-wing, Ontario’s political problem – Progressive Conservatism, Ontario’s democratic problem – partisanship in major media
59:42 END