466 – Topics


00:03 Sounds presidential: doers vs talkers, causes of intense hostility to Donald Trump, personal achievement, the talkers – media politicians academia, Trump as doer, Trump as talker, builders, Howard Roark – the Fountainhead, accomplished reputations, professional politicians, politicians who are just talkers, talking as doing, Sophists and sophistry, Robert Stanfield vs Pierre Trudeau on wage and price controls, Brian Mulroney, ground zero approval ratings
17:40 Talking points: evidence of doers vs talkers, parsing Trump, Trump’s policies, immigration, economy, foreign policy, talking as a means vs as an end, talking as a lead to action, demos, democratic politics, criticizing the people through criticizing Trump, contrast in accomplishments – Hillary Clinton, personal wealth – privately earned vs taxpayer paid, closed circle of talkers
31:35 The FountainBeheaded: critical opposition, Trump accused of calling for violence, Second Amendment supporters, talkers projecting their own faults, doers vs ‘don’ters’, diminishing achievements, avoiding greatness, envy, the levelers, the idea of greatness, the candy floss of words
45:05 Populism as pejorative: historic context in American politics, founding fathers as doers, serving the people with a vocation outside politics, term limits, growing political class, Canadian populism, Rob Ford as the people’s choice, accomplished outside of politics, populism as pejorative, political participation rates
59:42 END