463 – Topics


00:03 Fear and loathing in America: Donald Trump as US presidential candidate, a polarized election, Why Trump defeated Ted Cruz, constitutionalism vs principle, Robert’s personal election parallel to the Trump-Cruz debate, Trump’s political history over the decades, Trump’s new audience – the American people
15:25 Trump acceptance: Little fault in Trump’s acceptance speech, Trump’s policies and objectives, Trump as a plain talker, radical Islam, gay rights, Trump as the non-politician, America’s slide back into racism, political correctness
26:25 Trumps action plan: National Post against Trump, literal politics, a review of Donald Trump’s key issues, giving back to the country, fixing the rigged economic system, schools failing American children, putting America first, ending special interest monopolies, globalism – pro and con, fears of protectionism, energy production, Obama care, tax reform
43:35 Feedback – polite and not so polite: feedback and letters from Just Right’s listeners, racist accusations against Just Right, feedback not fit to publish, over-representation in the prison population, shortwave listeners from around the world
59:42 END