848 – Witness to betrayal—the National Citizens Inquiry | Ches Crosbie

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Feb 212024

As victims of COVID-19 government policies, each of the witnesses who testified before Canada’s National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) shared their own unique experience and personal tragic consequences. But what they all truly witnessed in common was the official betrayal of Canadians on a scale once thought to be unimaginable.

Released on November 28, 2023, the final report of the NCI’s Inquiry into the Appropriateness and Efficacy of the COVID-19 Response in Canada permanently places on the record the Canadian government’s intentional misinformation and disinformation campaigns about the COVID-19 pandemic. What is undeniably clear is that Canadians were betrayed by all of their institutions and politicians.

As our guest Ches Crosbie notes, the “censorship industrial complex” must be eliminated before the truth reaches enough people and a proper reconciliation can be pursued. And significantly, the testimonies and information found in the final report can serve as a resource for other betrayed victims who have yet to seek some kind of justice. It is a treasure trove of information for litigation purposes.

Given that the truth is now visible to anyone who cares to look, a call for reconciliation appears to be the next step in the direction that is Just Right.

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On the record—Canada’s tyrannical response to COVID-19 | Ches Crosbie—National Citizens Inquiry

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Feb 192024

The COVID-19 pandemic plunged Canada into a culture of fear and panic, marked by egregious violations of individual rights not seen since times of war. One might assume that the federal and provincial governments would have faced opposition to their unjustified and tyrannical measures aimed at curbing the spread of what amounted to nothing more than a severe flu. However, they did not. Instead, all of “officialdom” supported the measures taken, and anyone who questioned those measures were tormented, canceled, and vilified. Some were even beaten, arrested, and imprisoned.

In turbulent times Canadians normally turn to the mainstream media to pose challenging questions regarding the actions of government, pursue a balanced approach to the available “expert” information, and at the very least document the experiences of Canadians. Not this time. The mainstream media, receiving funding by the federal government since 2019, completely failed Canadians. No probing questions were asked, no alternative opinions were offered, and the negative effects of government actions were ignored. Some legacy media outlets even stooped to inciting hatred and encouraging Canadians to turn on those who did not share the official narrative.

With the lack of responsibility and probity on the part of Canadian officials, institutions, and media, it fell to the People themselves to document the effects of the government’s overreach and offer solutions.

The National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) marked a first for Canada. Citizen-led and funded it traversed the county gathering the heartbreaking stories of 305 victims, the testimony of 94 experts in law and medicine, and over 76,000 signatures on a petition of support.

Ches Crosbie, a Canadian Lawyer and spokesman for the NCI, joins Robert Vaughan to discuss some of the recommendations of the NCI’s final report: Inquiry into the Appropriateness and Efficacy of the COVID-19 Response in Canada, released November 28, 2023, and the disregard of the report by those who would benefit most from its findings.

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A serious conversation—Tucker Carlson’s Vladimir Putin interview

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Feb 132024

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin did not reveal groundbreaking insights into the leader or his policies to those of us who have been closely monitoring events in that region. However, it did bring to light previously overlooked facts to hundreds of millions, courtesy of a journalist committed to honesty, in stark contrast to the West’s dismissive yellow press.

In this insightful discussion, Professor Emeritus, Salim Mansur and Robert Vaughan delve into the interview’s implications, exploring its impact on a global audience that is typically shielded from the truth but now finds itself unexpectedly confronted with reality, thanks to a journalist who values integrity.

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Rogue State–From Republic to Empire | Salim Mansur

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Jan 192024

Upon leaving the Constitutional Convention of 1787 Benjamin Franklin was asked about the kind of government created by him and the other delegates. His response was, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

If Franklin were alive today he would say that the American People had failed. What initially started out as a bold experiment in liberty has transformed into an empire engaged in a “Forever War,” led by the very type of elites the War of Independence was waged to overthrow.

Our guest, Professor Salim Mansur, has described the United States of 2024 as a “rogue state” and the most dangerous enemy of freedom based on individual rights.

Salim puts the start of the Republic’s fall in 1912 with the election of Democrat Woodrow Wilson. It was under Wilson that the 17th Amendment to the Constitution had US Senators elected by the People rather than by the legislatures of the states they were supposed to represent, altering a key aspect of the Republican nature of the country. This change made the Senators no different than the elected members of the House of Representatives.

Adding to Wilson’s ignominious administrative term was the signing of the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment, which allowed for a federal income tax. No longer did the federal government require the financial backing and consent of the States to wage war. Upon his reelection in 1916 and with these new tools at his disposal, Wilson quickly entered into the Great War already waging in Europe.

If one were to bracket the fall of the Republic at one end with Wilson’s Administration, on this end of history the other bracket would be the installation of the Usurper Joe Biden, installed into the position of President during a ceremony attended not by the American People, but by a select group of elites in a Capital surrounded by razor wire and 25,000 armed guardsmen.

There could be no greater nor obvious symbolism than that spectacle to demonstrate that Franklin’s Republic has fallen and that a New World Order headed by an American Empire has begun.

The video is also available on the following platforms:

Robert’s Substack

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819 – JFK’s war for peace | Salim Mansur

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Jul 132023

The desire for peace is a bit like the desire to become rich and famous; both are ends, not means.

When President John F Kennedy delivered his June 10 1963 “Peace speech” at American University in Washington DC, he was promoting a means for peace that was in direct conflict with the ends of America’s military industrial complex. And this, suggests our guest Professor emeritus Salim Mansur, is what led to Kennedy’s eventual assassination: “The murder of Kennedy was a victory for the deep state.”

Kennedy’s speech was delivered sixty years ago, when America narrowly avoided a nuclear confrontation with Russia (the Soviet Union). Today in 2023 the same threat between the same two super-powers is being played out on the world stage for all to see.

However In retrospect, we now understand that in both cases America was the provocateur, given its earlier placement of nuclear missiles in Turkey and its current threat of doing the same in Ukraine. Small wonder that Salim believes “America has morphed into the leading rogue state in the world today,” and that John F Kennedy was a man “ahead of his time.”

With Kennedy’s assertion that “Peace and freedom walk together,” it was clear he understood the relationship between means and ends in a way that is Just Right.

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Armistice or annihilation—Ukraine’s end game | Salim Mansur

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Feb 012023

“The collective West has brought us to the precipice of a nuclear Armageddon.” So says our guest professor Salim Mansur.

Those seeking peace are searching the West in vain for any among its leaders, media, or intelligentsia calling for peace. All seem blinded by an irrational and unjustified Russophobia. The result is a general populace duped into thinking that this is a “just war” and Ukraine must win despite the threat of a nuclear conclusion.

“There can be no just war in the nuclear age,” notes Professor Mansur. “There has to be an immediate ceasefire, an armistice, and then we talk and engage with what will be the position of Ukraine and meeting the interests of Russia and the interests of other European countries.”

There are historic precedents for the situation the West finds itself in. During the stalemate of WWI and after the loss of 15 to 22 million lives there came the realization that the only way to end the bloodshed was an armistice—not a surrender but an acknowledgment that nothing further could be gained by either side in continuing the conflict. And on November 11, 1918, an armistice was signed and at 11:00 am that day the guns went silent.

The same awareness came about during the war in Vietnam when Walter Cronkite went on the air in a rare opinion piece and said, “To say that we are mired in stalemate seems to be the only realistic if unsatisfactory conclusion. It is increasingly clear to this reporter that the only rational way out then will be to negotiate, not as victors but as an honorable people who lived up to their pledge to defend democracy and did the best they could.” President Johnson was reported to have said “If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost Middle America.” Such was the power of the media then and, although considerably weakened, such is the power of the media today.

So too, in this conflict involving nuclear combatants, there must come the understanding that all hostilities must cease and negotiations for the partition of Ukraine begin. A continuation of the conflict may only lead to the unthinkable.

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Dec 222022

The People’s Party of Canada, led by Maxime Bernier represents the views of approximately 1.4 million Canadians yet Canada’s corporate media has refused to cover the Party’s recently released policy statement on the Russo-Ukraine conflict.

The Party’s position is the only one calling for a negotiated peace and starkly contrasts with the warmongering stance taken by all other Canadian political parties and leaders.

“…whatever you think about who the good and the bad guys are, I believe Canada should not have gotten involved in this war. We should have remained neutral and worked with our allies to help establish a peace process” Mr. Bernier said.

All Canadian parliamentarians are in lock-step in their blind support of the Ukrainian government of Volodymyr Zelenskyy—blind because they are refusing to acknowledge the undemocratic nature of Zelenskyy’s regime and his brutal subjugation of Russo-Ukrainians. Blind also for their refusal to even consider the causes which precipitated the actions from Moscow.

Zelenskyy has banned most opposition parties, nationalized the media, and is moving to outlaw the Orthodox Church and still, Canadian Parliamentarians call him the “Champion of democracy,” while Moscow has claimed that it is acting lawfully within the bounds of the United Nations Charter Chapter VII Article 51.

Here, Mr. Bernier joins Robert Vaughan of Just Right Media to discuss the geopolitical consequences of the conflict unfolding in Ukraine and the disgraceful and irresponsible behaviour of Canada’s parliamentarians and corporate media.

This video is also available on YouTube, BitChute, and Odysee.

Mr. Bernier’s presentation of the PPC’s policy on the Russo-Ukrainian conflict may be found on Rumble and on YouTube

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