770 – Witness—to the Freedom Convoy | Andrew Lawton

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Aug 042022

As an eye-witness to Canada’s infamous Ottawa Freedom Convoy last winter, our guest Andrew Lawton can count himself among the front-line warriors in an Information War that has killed and injured as many people as any war could.

Andrew’s experience has been published in his book: The Freedom Convoy – The Inside Story Of Three Weeks That Shook The World (Sutherland House, 2022). As a first-hand account of what happened during the Freedom Convoy’s presence in Ottawa, this book stands in stark contrast to the official narrative and the still-so-called mainstream media.

Notably, the Freedom Convoy was not an organized event in the common understanding of that term. It was entirely organic, with no single leader, group, or organization having masterminded what proved to be among the most peaceful protest rallies in history.

It was perhaps this very lack of a centralized authority that has made it so difficult for Trudeau’s fascist government to create a false narrative applicable to all of the participants. After all, the single issue that united them was the very issue his government did not want to face – his government’s tyranny justified by Covid lies.

The two sides in this information war do not merely disagree. Indeed, officialdom and the mainstream mediocre insist that no debates or disagreements even be allowed, preferring outright censorship, false reports, and physically attacking the messengers rather than offer any justifications for their mandates and proclamations.

The lesson to be learned from the Freedom Convoy is universal. Tyrants fear truth above all. They know that once exposed to the truth, each individual can decide on his own which side is telling the lies, and which side has been Just Right all along.

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Ukraine—Neocon’s war against Russia | Salim Mansur

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Jul 022022

Since the end of WWII, a number of international laws and treaties have been created among nations to allow for a more peaceful, if not orderly world. Albeit with many exceptions, these rules of conduct have served the world well. We have enjoyed an extended period of relative peace and have avoided another world war. This sense of security seems to be coming to an end as the West now faces possible military engagement with both Russia in Ukraine and Communist China in Taiwan.

How did we arrive at this point? Since at least the 1960s plans have been formulated and implemented to pave the way for a one-world government led by the United States in a grand hegemony of tyranny marked by corruption, censorship, the surveillance state, and Malthusian population control.

We were warned that this might happen by Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy who, while not knowing precisely what form these nefarious plans might take, knew that it was a distinct possibility that the Military-Industrial Complex could be used with evil intent and on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas we discovered just how patently evil these people could be.

It is no longer a secret that there is a cabal of advisors orchestrating successive military campaigns throughout the globe of which Ukraine is but the latest.

The greatest opposition the cabal faces in its grand scheme is from countries like Russia which stubbornly adheres to a historic sense of national pride and which warned that it would not tolerate any attempts to alter that perspective.

In a direct challenge to any who would oppose them we have seen callous rogues like Johnson, the Bushes, Clinton, Obama, and a group of neoconservative policy advisors, take that once moral and enviable of nations, the United States of America, and transform it into a juggernaut of death and destruction.

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May 052022

During his tour of Canada’s Maritime Provinces, I was honoured to have a conversation with People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier.

Maxime is perhaps the only Western politician calling for peace and prosperity in Ukraine and asks that the two warring parties continue negotiations to end the conflict.

We also talked about the effectiveness of Canada’s Senate in revoking the Emergencies Act, the defunding of the CBC and an end to all subsidies to media including advertising funds, the irrationality of Justin Trudeau’s and Jagmeet Singh’s measures on travel for those not “vaccinated,” and the prospect for the publishing of his book “Doing Politics Differently.”

This video is also available on Rumble.

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Apr 222022

In an era of massive violations of individual rights by tyrannical governments around the world British cartoonist, Bob Moran’s work has become iconic for the freedom movement. His artwork both pokes fun at the political elites while revealing their true nature as despots.

He has recently teamed up with The Democracy Fund, a Canadian charity promoting the cause of individual rights and freedom.

Robert Vaughan spoke with Mr. Moran about The Democracy Fund, his political motivations, and his influence on a culture in decline and in desperate need of positive imagery and inspirational humour.

This video is also available on Rumble here.

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Trucker’s Freedom Convoy 2022 unmasks Canada’s freedom delusion | Salim Mansur

 Conservatism, Governance, Latest, Law, Political Parties, Politics  Comments Off on Trucker’s Freedom Convoy 2022 unmasks Canada’s freedom delusion | Salim Mansur
Feb 112022

The Truckers Freedom Convoy of the past two weeks has lifted the veil, or the mask, on just how fundamentally flawed Canada is and always was. Amid the blaring of truck horns cries of “mandate freedom” are echoing down Wellington Street in Ottawa. Unfortunately, Parliamentarians are deaf to these pleas and if one knows anything of Canadian history, as does our guest Professor Salim Mansur, Parliamentarians have never had freedom on their agenda.

If one understands Canada’s Constitution and is familiar with its laws and practices then one realizes that Canada is not, nor was it ever, a nation of individual rights and “We The People”, rather, Canada was always a nation of We The Parliament, or We The State.

In the British tradition, Canada’s Parliament is supreme. It can, and often does, pass laws that violate the individual rights of its citizens. “Peace, order, and good government” is the mantra of Parliament used by Conservatives and Liberals alike. It is the motive for governance enshrined in Canada’s Constitution (Sect. 91). Contrast this to the founding motivation for the American Revolution and the structure of its government—individual rights. We The People, the first words of the U.S. Constitution, set the USA apart from every other nation on Earth and which still, to this day, is the only country founded on the principle that individual rights lie outside of government and that the primary role of government is to protect those rights.

Canadians often turn to the Canadian Bill of Rights (1960) or to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982) as assurance that their individual rights are protected in law. In Canada, however, our individual rights lie not outside of our laws to be protected by the government, they lie inside of government, are limited by the government, and are often violated by the government.

The Bill of Rights is simply a federal statute applying to the federal government which has historically been ignored by the courts. The Charter is a document where peoples’ rights are bracketed by two sections (1 and 33) which, in effect, give power to the Parliament to override any individual right at its discretion.

As Professor Mansur expounds in this discussion, there are no federal parties in Parliament whose raison d’être is to defend the rights of Canadians. The Conservative Party often thought to be the party on the side of individual rights is in fact, as Professor Mansur makes clear, in Parliament to conserve the institutions of Parliament and its credo of “peace, order, and good government.”

“The Conservative Party has been conserving the formulation of the 1867 Act that is peace, order, and good government. (It) is not a party of freedom-loving people. They are not a party that has put the freedom issue at the top of the political agenda.”

A more robust understanding of Canada’s Constitution and how Canada’s Parliament works should reveal to Canadians that they live at the privilege of Cabinet. Their individual rights are an after-thought to the structure of Canadian governance and not a fundamental focus of legislation.

It remains to be seen in this chaotic and tumultuous time whether Canada will ever evolve from a nation of We The State and peace, order, and good governance to a nation of We The People and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Truckers’ Freedom Convoy may just be the spark that ignites the freedom revolution that Canada so desperately needs.

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739 – Freedom’s cure for the sick politics of health care | Paul McKeever

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Dec 302021

As leader of the Freedom Party of Ontario, our guest Paul McKeever understands that the number one issue facing Ontarians and their provincial government is, and has been since its adoption in 1969, ‘socialized’ health care.

Indeed, since the beginning of the government’s declared ‘Covid pandemic,’ the number one stated objective of politicians everywhere has been to ‘save the health care system’ – apparently, at the cost of health care itself. Unfortunately, the ‘system’ being ‘saved’ is not health care, but socialism.

Destined to fail from the very beginning, the health care ‘pyramid scheme’ considered by many to be a proud defining characteristic of Canada is now in the process of its inevitable final collapse. In Ontario, that process began from the very beginning in 1969 when the Progressive Conservative government of the time created a state-funded, ‘single-payer’ socialist health care system based on the rationing of health services according to demand.

Naturally, being ‘free’ (to the consumer, not to the taxpayer) the demand on health care services eventually became so great that governments were forced to ration ever smaller and smaller ‘portions’ of a limited service supply to ever-increasing demands on that service. Today we have reached a point where many people are simply no longer able to access health care. Current generations are now paying the price for previous generations while being denied the benefit of health care services themselves. Continue reading »

Paul McKeever | Leader of the Freedom Party of Ontario

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Dec 272021

With an Ontario election scheduled for June 2nd, 2022 there are a lot of parties vying for the vote. All but one of these parties are collectivist, catering to the whims and wishes of special interests and groups. Only one political party has ever been for individual freedom — The Freedom Party of Ontario.

Many Ontarians today may not have heard of the Freedom Party of Ontario and anyone familiar with their policies and platforms will know why. They are a unique party that believes that the purpose of government is to protect an individual’s right to their life, liberty, and property. Having such views it is no wonder that the Party and its Leader, Paul McKeever are ignored by the media despite decades of successfully battling socialism.

Robert Vaughan of Just Right Media (a member of Freedom Party since 1985) interviews Paul McKeever in a discussion about the policies of the Party, the socialist history of the governing Progressive Conservative Party under Premier Doug Ford, the rise of splitter vanity and social conservative parties such as the Ontario First Party of Randy Hillier and the New Blue Party led by Jim Karahalios, and the sorry state of Ontario society under decades of collectivist rule.

Just Right Media is endorsing the Freedom Party in the upcoming 2022 Ontario election. You can find out more about the Party here: http://www.freedomparty.on.ca.

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