705 – Winning back our freedom—and why philosophy matters

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May 062021

As more and more people ‘awaken’ to the tyrannical reality of the global lockdowns, a great dilemma presents itself.

No matter how many grasp the true nature of our tyranny, or publicly protest, or civilly disobey our tyrannical laws and politicians, or challenge the courts, the sad fact is that all of Canada’s political parties in the parliaments and legislatures of the country are the source of the tyranny. Without a political option that will guarantee individual freedom on principle, our tyranny will never end.

To Canadians who want an end to lockdowns and other tyrannical rules and regulations, there are currently only two political parties in the nation opposed to them on principle.

Federally, the choice is the People’s Party of Canada, under the leadership of Maxime Bernier. And provincially in the province of Ontario, it is the Freedom Party of Ontario under the leadership of Paul McKeever.

While there are a few independents and occasional members in various parliaments who have expressed opposition to the lockdowns, their opposition has not been based on the necessary philosophical principles. Instead their concern has been over issues of ‘democratic process’ or calls for more ‘accurate’ statistics and ‘scientific’ evidence, none of which could ever justify today’s tyranny.

Given these circumstances, things may seem hopeless for those yearning to win back their freedom democratically – at the ballot box. Worse, many believe that their vote would be ‘wasted’ if they voted for a party that has no elected members and whose past vote totals have been in the single digit percentage range. Without a ‘majority’ how can such parties ever win an election?

Answer: it doesn’t take a ‘majority’ of eligible voters to elect a majority government. In fact, as illustrated by Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever in his analysis of the past ten Ontario elections, the elected parties consistently received between 18.2% to 29.7% of eligible voters, most resulting in majority governments.

Given that every other elected political party in Ontario has vowed to keep the lockdowns going indefinitely (even though they have no moral or democratic right to do so), a vote for any of them is a vote for continued tyranny.

Polls are now suggesting that as many as 20% of Ontarians want their freedom back, a percentage that becomes politically significant in light of the reality of past electoral results. Unfortunately this minority is still reluctant to vote for its convictions, blinded by political myths and unaware of how easily circumstances could be reversed.

As we have demonstrated many times in the past, the political world is and has always been ruled by minorities. ‘Majorities’ always follow, they never lead.

Tyranny will never end in our society until a significant minority philosophically commits to a real political option that is always Just Right – freedom.

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Apr 222021

The global chorus of identical voices emanating from the COVID vaccine propaganda machine has reached a new crescendo. Among those voices is Ontario’s fascist premier Doug Ford who recently turned the province into a literal police state – save for the fact that the police themselves refused to cooperate.

But the fascist efforts continue unabated nonetheless. Even the victims of vaccine propaganda have become propagandists themselves, driven by the very fear and ignorance that the propaganda engendered.

What is particularly startling about all the ‘vaccine’ propaganda is how uncritically so many people accept outright lies and demonstrably false information as being valid. This is beyond tragic, especially considering the thousands upon thousands of adverse reactions to what are not vaccines, but various experimental genetic modifiers (gene therapy) being fraudulently presented to the public as actual vaccines.

The incredible gulf between a growing number of doctors on the health care frontlines and the official medical establishment’s continuing stance on the COVID ‘vaccines’ has revealed an official agenda that warrants criminal sanctions. Officials have grossly and fraudulently inflated the number of deaths caused by COVID while simultaneously grossly and fraudulently deflating the number of deaths and crippling consequences of the vaccines themselves. Continue reading »

701 – Fear no evil—Make evil fear you

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Apr 082021

Many of those driving globalist lockdown agendas have been described as psychopaths, sociopaths, or just plain evil. There is plenty of evidence to support all three descriptions. But how is one to judge those who follow and support the tyrannical measures devised by this handful of deranged collectivists?

The concept of evil has been portrayed and described in many ways and in differing cultural contexts. Presented as attractive and appealing, evil always depends upon the willing consent of its victims. It is often not recognized until it is too late for the victim to do anything about it.

Of course, in any objective sense, evil must be understood to refer to those human thoughts and actions that lead to the intentional destruction of the self or others. With Life as the standard of the Good, Death becomes at once the symbol, the objective, and the consequence of the moral vacuum that creates Evil itself.

History has demonstrated that the desire to rule and control the lives of others is invariably evil. Yet this evil persists and can be found in the collectivist agendas promoted behind the facades of fighting ‘climate change,’ flu viruses, and various social and economic ‘inequities.’ But these fictional agendas have been created to altruistically justify the real agenda. Continue reading »

Apr 012021

“History is made by minorities – or, more precisely, history is made by intellectual movements, which are created by minorities. Who belongs to these minorities? Anyone who is able and willing to actively concern himself with intellectual issues.” – Ayn Rand

Along with their global counterparts, Canadian politicians have become willing collaborators in a plan to establish global fascism. Leading the charge is Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, an avowed admirer of totalitarian government. As a globalist himself, Trudeau does not represent Canadians but instead represents a small group of evil individuals who have made no secret of their plans to destroy the West and all Western values.

Canadians are reliving a very familiar political pattern in history, not unlike that of the Vichy government in France during the last world war. Then, as now, the greatest weapon threatening the fascist German government was freedom of speech – and the power of the ideas being spread by those in the resistance.

“The battle of human history is fought and determined by those who are predominantly consistent, those who, for good or evil, are committed to and motivated by their chosen psycho-epistemology and its corollary view of existence,” observed Ayn Rand. Continue reading »

698 – Speaking conservatively about conservatives and freedom | Salim Mansur

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Mar 182021

The Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) is nowhere to be seen on the freedom front. Yet, freedom-loving conservatives repeatedly vote for – and are routinely disappointed by – this party that has ever moved Leftward and is now virtually indistinguishable from the Liberal Party of Canada.

“Are conservatives stupid?” That’s just one of the uncomfortable questions fielded by our ‘conservative’ guest Salim Mansur, professor emeritus of political science at the University of Western Ontario.

At a time when the coronavirus tyranny continues unabated, massive protests against lockdowns and other controls on personal association similarly continue unabated. But these protests are being directed against the very politicians and political parties keeping everyone locked down – namely, every party in parliament.

Having no effective representation on the political front, the voices of freedom may be heard, but not heeded, and are indeed condemned. As the official opposition in Canada, the CPC has offered no opposition to the Liberal fascist agenda, despite the party’s name. And with the word ‘conservative’ in the party name, who can blame unsuspecting conservative initiates from voting for ‘their’ party? Continue reading »

697 – Questioning authority in an authoritarian dystopia

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Mar 112021

“Question authority before authority questions you.”

Let’s hope that it is not too late to apply these words of wisdom in the authoritarian dystopia that has descended upon us under the pretense of protecting us from a virus. Sadly, there is a substantive portion of the population that not only refuses to question authority, it openly welcomes authority – an authority without accountability.

That would be tragic enough, but many of these authoritarians refuse to allow others to question authority. It’s a prescription for generating fear and blind obedience.

Benjamin Franklin warned that “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority” while Albert Einstein noted that “Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” Continue reading »

695 – The inconvenient truth about truth

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Feb 252021

In the era of this pandemic zeitgeist, ‘truth’ has become more elusive than ever thanks to a constant barrage of media propaganda and censorship efforts. Views expressed by those who believe them to be the truth have been censored and removed from various news and commentary platforms, thus revealing one of many inconvenient truths about truth itself.

For example, one inconvenient truth about truth is that some people value truth and some people do not – a source of genuine polarity and division between peoples everywhere. But another inconvenient truth is that each side of that polarity claims to be on the side of truth and accuses the other of lies and misinformation.

To determine truth in an objective manner, it is necessary to be able to discuss differences of opinions in an open and free forum so that all participants may validate or refute facts and narratives on the basis of available evidence and reason.

Perhaps the greatest inconvenient truth about truth is that without freedom of speech, discovering the truth is next to impossible. But this is inconvenient only to those who fear such scrutiny and their resorting to censorship is evidence that the truth is not on their side. Continue reading »