Mar 072019

This is war

There is a growing consensus that what was once only a ‘war of words’ is now approaching a point where that ‘war’ can no longer be fought only with words. The war is now moving into the courtroom, and a major case going forward is Steven Crowder’s (Louder With Crowder) lawsuit against Facebook.

We fully support this action, as we find ourselves asking: Isn’t it time that those on the ‘Right’ began treating their opponents on the Left in the same warlike manner the Left has been exhibiting towards them?

It has regrettably become clear that social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook , Twitter, and others known to be owned and/or operated by interests on the Left, have been found to be misrepresenting themselves and their services in a way that should concern everyone able to read these words on-line.

After having actively pursued content providers on the ‘right’ to set up shop on their platforms, they have now been found to be unethically restricting and banning those same voices from their promised ‘free speech’ platforms, for the most dubious reasons. This has been done through the filing of numerous false copyright claims, ‘de-platforming,’ ‘de-boosting,’ ‘de-monitizing’ and other hidden actions cutting off content providers from their established audiences.

Meanwhile, the voices on the Left are given the complete freedom to spout hatreds, spread fake news, hurl accusations of racism, sexism, etc., and promote any evil ideas and ideologies that they wish.

Indeed, this exposes an even greater concern. Should those who advocate tyranny, to whatever degree, be openly permitted to do so without consequences? Is this just a ‘freedom of speech’ issue, or is it more? This is war, no longer just an ideological debate the Left refuses to allow.

The great irony of all of this is that, in the end, the only way to ensure freedom of speech and an open venue for opinions – Left and Right – is to create a media platform and network that is Just Right.

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