Jan 282018

Canadian Cop-Out

Talk about a group identity crisis! That’s exactly what Danielle and Robert do in this discussion about Canadian actor Donald Sutherland, who shamefully, has admitted to feeling shame and guilt – for being a white male.

Having appeared on NBC Today to promote his television series Ice, Sutherland related his experience with movie co-star Helen Mirren (The Leisure Seeker) who accused him of “being the most privileged person on earth” because Sutherland is a white male. Being seen as part of a group that is “mendacious, misogynist, bigots, racists” was, apparently, “appalling” to Sutherland.

But have no fear. Even though white and male, Donald Sutherland had an out: “I am a CANADIAN, and that’s what I am….” In so doing, Sutherland provided an example of how the collectivist mind progresses: from racism – to nationalism – to hypocrisy.

Shame on Donald Sutherland for being a Leftist (collectivist), which is the prerequisite for accepting group identities as the defining point of an individual’s character and achievements.

Shame on Donald Sutherland for not having condemned Helen Mirren’s racism and misandry on the spot.

Shame on Donald Sutherland for choosing to re-tell this appalling encounter in a positive light via his own phony virtue signaling, based on yet another group identity – being Canadian.

But being on the Left, and having fully accepted collectivist identity over individualism, it’s understandable why people who view themselves and others in this way are incapable of doing what is Just Right.

  One Response to “The Danielle Metz Show – 005 – The Canadian cop out”

  1. I noted with interest your comments with respect to Japan’s improving product quality after WW2 being a result of its enforced democratization. While that may well have played a role, I believe the largest portion of the credit goes to Dr. W. Edwards Deming; who, incidentally, was an American white male.

    Second to that was the wisdom of Japanese business leaders in their willingness to listen to Dr. Deming, learn from him, and apply to their manufacturing processes the principles of statistical process control and continuous improvement he taught them .

    North American manufacturers, on the other hand, rested on their laurels in the arrogant assumption that North Americans would continue to “buy American” simply because their products were made in America, regardless of quality and relative value. They soon (well, rather late actually, being slow learners) learned differently.

    The salient point is that if the political constitution under which goods and services are produced and provided were all that influential in quality and value outcomes the American manufacturers would have had a nearly insurmountable lead that would have been maintained as long as the constitutional environment in which they operated was maintained. That’s not how it worked out in this case.

    That said, I will agree that any political system that imposes disincentives to quality and value – socialism, fascism, communism, etc. (basically different flavours of the same malaise) – will inevitably result in crappy products and services. As we’re witnessing today in education and healthcare in Ontario under the fascist regime of Kathleen Wynne. Welcome to a taste of Germany of the 1930s…

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