Jul 282016

white house

TRUMP ACCEPTANCE: As with the five stages experienced by many facing grief and loss, Republicans opposed to Trump have now similarly passed through the familiar stages of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, with Trump’s victory at the GOP: Acceptance.

For the first time, we take a look a Donald Trump, not as a phenomenon of populism and anti-establishment sentiment, but as the next president of the United States. Is Trump’s promise to “make America great again” merely empty rhetoric, or will he be able to deliver on that promise? What, in critical and concrete terms, will “making America great again” mean in practice?

As Trump now turns his attention to win the hearts and minds of the American voters rather than to defeat his Republican opponents, we can finally see the real choices faced going into this November’s U.S. elections.

On today’s Just Right, join us as we review, not the phenomenon that is Trump, but the promises and policies that he has put forth as the key themes of the Republican campaign. For the first time since he stepped into the political arena, Donald Trump has now set the standards and objectives against which he must be objectively judged.

Trump plans to “reform our economic system.” But from what to what? He contends that America must “start making our own products again.” Does this mean economic protectionism against markets abroad, or does it mean economic reform within the country, or both? Trump vows to “end the Special interest monopoly in Washington D.C.” but in a world where politics itself is a game of competing interests, what might that mean?

Donald Trump has vowed to appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution, cancel rules and regulations that send jobs overseas, lift restrictions on energy production, repeal and replace job-killing Obamacare immediately, pass massive tax reform, and impose tough new ethics rules.

At first glance, Trump’s proposals sound Just Right to us – but are they?
Join us as we review these and other proposals and commitments now made explicit by Trump for the first time.

And to top it all off, today’s broadcast ends with a review of the feedback comments we have been receiving from you, our listeners – most of it very polite, some not so, and some that were Just Right.

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