Nov 192015


00:03 Marchons, marchons!: Islamist attacks on Paris, political Islam, symbolism of the French flag, symbol of surrender and capitulation, literalists of the Koran, denying rational suspicions while stressing irrational suspicions, defining the enemy, enabling causes of Islamist violence, perfect storm for cultural collapse, ideas rule the world, the collective vs the individual, compliance to authority, shockingly lethal Submission
18:40 Submit to reason: the Fourth Reich, pressure to comply and submit, race is the collective, racist accusations represent submission to the collective, the true racists – campus activists, sympathy for Muslims, French national anthem
28:10 CBC no evil: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation – terrorism enabler, suspicious of Christians but cautious of blaming Islamists, denial of evil, denial of discussion, distractions from the evil, war of ideas, terrorism’s after-effects
40:15 Islam: the elephant in the room: John Thompson CBC interview, John Rhys-Davies on Islam, Western cultural values, political correctness, incompatibility of sharia law with democracy, fighting ideas with ideas, Ayn Rand’s call for rational ethics
59:22 END — promo to 59:42

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