Nov 122015

Village of the DamnedTopics:
00:03 Campus blahs: Yale campus disturbance, inter-cultural affairs committee letter on Halloween costumes, theory vs practice
13:10 Progressive deformity: zero tolerance for free speech on campus, John Dewey, Ayn Rand’s Comprachicos,deformity for political suppression, disconnecting the mind from reality through progressive education, anti-cognition as the standard of education, from structure and discipline to chaos and disorder, student activists as the modern comprachicos, abandonment of reason in favour of force
28:25 The failure of success: Harry Dent’s great re-set, predicting economic crashes, engineered destruction of capitalism in America, David Stockman, ‘Irrational Economics Summit’, government enterprises as successful failures
40:50 The success of failure: the economic re-set, no political re-set, inflation’s attractions, irrational fears of deflation, the relativity of inflation, quantitative easing, recognizing the crisis, system of socialism vs conditions of capitalism, ends and means 55:18 : END — promo to 59:42

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