Oct 222015

Magna Carta


00:04 No electoral shock: better a Liberal majority than minority, implications of proportional representation
08:35 Cultural MisAppropriation: defining Canada’s culture, quantifying the common social traits of Canadians, common ways of life, national diversions, transitory cultures, multicultures as evidence of freedom of choice, freedom is what defines Canada’s culture, England’s seeds of freedom, a freedom culture, Magna Carta
26:00 Freedom culture: principles independent of space and time, CBC as a vital part of Canadian culture, sect 27 of Charter of Rights and Freedoms, multiculturalism vs a single culture shared by all, cultural change at Playboy Magazine
47:35 Putting Uber Unter: taxi monopolies threatened, London England’s Uber equalization plan, nature of literal equality, public interest, why the sharing economy isn’t about sharing
1:00:23 END

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