Jun 122014

Income Tax


00:07 Just taxation buys justice: Proper taxation in a free society, feedback on taxation, Ayn Rand on taxation, Objectivism on taxation, voluntary government financing, arresting principle, initiation of force
15:06 An arresting argument: Justice is arresting, Proper government, jails, errors in due process, imposition of a tax on sales, nature of proper government, necessary conditions and institutions for a free society, indirect way to the general welfare, tax injustices, income tax is a bad tax
31:07 No tax freedom any day: Tax Freedom Day June 9 2014, value for tax dollar, war, crime, law and order, early Roman empire, brief history of Roman taxation, ‘voluntary’ taxes are sales taxes, King Louis XIV, worst form of tax
45:45 Is taxation slavery? economic slavery, debt, slave trade in ancient civilizations, definitions of slavery, Greek slavery, Roman slavery, tax slavery 56:18 END

  2 Responses to “354 – Can taxation be justified? / Is taxation slavery?”

  1. Hello,

    Great podcast, but I would like to know what you think about these two ideas also;

    -Land value taxation. Advantages: No burden on the taxpayer to collect or calculate their tax, difficult to evade or cheat and easier to calculate than property taxes.

    -Sovereign wealth fund / Endowment fund. Advantages; could be initially funded by selling government assets (land, buildings, government owned corporations, etc.), puts no burden on the citizen and the principle could be spent in emergencies.

    If your going to have another discussion on taxation, I hope these two Ideas are given some mention.

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