May 082014

We Can Do It


00:00 Just Right updates and write-them-down dates: Election call, Freedom Party candidates in London, Lars Hedegaard attempted assassination suspect arrested in Turkey, Muslims Facing Tomorrow, Raheel Raza, The Honor Diaries, CAIR, Paul McKeever, Andrew Lawton, Raheel Raza, Boko Haram, Islam accommodation
13:44 Gender gap trap: Robert Reich, Charles B Rangel, Batman, Robin, Batgirl, equal pay, federal equal pay law, The Misandry Bubble, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Warren Farrell, Why Men Earn More, pay gap, pay paradox, Equal Pay Day, women in the White House, girls do better than boys in school, hypocritical feminists, male gender vilification
29:40 Batty ideas about gender differences: Claire Shipman, The Confidence Gap, glass ceiling, difference between men and women, women more intimate, men effective policy makers, ego, No Country For Burly Men, beta male politicians, force in feminism, the feminist mystique
42:15 Throne Wars: Vikings vs Game of Thrones:Vikings, Game of Thrones, fingers or tongue, fail compilations, the allure of sex and violence, no plot just gore and sex, vile characters, the saga of Ragnar Lothbrok, characterization, violence should advance the plot, the capricious King Joffrey, everybody loves a gore fest
58:50 END

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