Jul 082020

Celebrating the founding of one’s country should be a joyous occasion but the recent marking of Independence Day and Canada Day have been marred in both countries. In the United States, we see a concerted effort on the part of the Left and the Democratic Party to destroy their nation. In Canada, all celebrations were cancelled under the pretext of health and safety and under orders from a Prime Minister who said that Canada is the first “post-national state” which has no “core identity.”

Regardless of attempts by the Marxists of both countries to destroy the very foundations of their nationhood people in the United States were treated to a magnificent display at Mount Rushmore by a truly patriotic president. In Canada we witnessed a gathering of some 10,000 patriots on Parliament Hill, defying the dictates of their unpatriotic rulers.

Professor Salim Mansur was one of those on Parliament Hill in Ottawa who exercised his right to freely assemble and his right to protest the actions of a Prime Minister bent on destroying his country. He also was uplifted by President Donald Trump’s speech at Mount Rushmore—a speech that praised the United States as a nation founded on reason and equality for all.

In this interview, Professor Mansur tells us of his trip to Ottawa to be with his fellow patriots on Canada Day and he offers us his analyses of President Trump’s stirring speech in defense of heroes.

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